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Scroll Down to Join Now to Enjoy the Benefits of the BMC Brand Club

Platinum Supporters:       


  • Scroll down to register for a free Brand Media Coalition Brand Club membership. 
  • Simply comple the information enter your Linkedin address and company’s web site where required to receive your Brand Media Coalition membership number. 
  • Sign up below to join a growing community of experts in the use of brands to power business, event, and promotional gifting, rewards and recognition, and enjoy access to wholesale or discounted pricing and invitations to special learning and experiential events.
  • Who can join: Free to promotional and marketing professionals, recognition and incentive companies, and their clients and employees, as well as to employees to companies in the IRR field, including incentive representatives, master fulfillment companies, brand and retail corporate sales departments, and their employees. 
  • Items sold through the Brand Club are not for resale unless otherwise agreed with the supplier; re-sale certificates are honored for sales tax exemption for bulk purchases for re-sale.

Brand Media CoalitionBMC Brand Club Membership Benefits

  • The  BMC free Brand Club and Brand Specialist program brings the benefits of being in the IRR field to all buyers, resellers, and suppliers to help elevate the knowledge about and appeal of working through and in the field.
  • Ability to access extensive training and resources from the RRN media platform, including its continually updated library of resources.
  • Free co-branded marketing literature promotional distributors and other resellers  can customize to explain their expertise to clients.
  • Direct access to the full range of brands at wholesale prices that can help solution providers meet their clients’ bulk or drop-shipping requirements, along with customization and personalization.
  • Special benefits related to sampling and invitations to special regional experiential and learning events.
  • Click here for complete information about the concept of Brand media and how to tap the story-telling power of brands.

Register Below to Join the BMC Brand Club Program

*All registrations are verified and will be confirmed within five business days or less. Please enter the name of a brand, master fulfillment, gift card or related company you do business with where indicated.

Privacy assurance:  Neither your email nor information provided below will be shared with any sponsor of the Brand Media Coalition unless you have specifically requested information from them. Your information will be used only to qualify your company for participation in the Brand Media Coalition and to send permission-based e-newsletters providing useful information and offers.

Please provide the following information: All fields are required.