Enjoy the Power of Brands
Join the BMC Brand Club to Experience the Rewards of Being in the IRR Business
- Sign up today for a free membership in the Brand Media Coalition Brand Club to personally enjoy the benefits of being in the Incentive, Rewards, and Recognition business.
- A first-time IRR industry benefit. Whether you are a buyer, reseller, or supplier in the IRR industry, you deserve to get some perks just like airline industry employees can receive benefits from other participating airlines and hotels.
- Participating IRR suppliers will be offering below retail pricing on select products and brands on a limited-time offer for personal use as an industry benefit through their own individual storefronts.
- Membership is free to buyers for any organization that uses gifts, rewards, and loyalty, etc.; and for promotional products distribution, incentive and recognition company, or agencies and their employees; or a master fulfillment company, incentive representatives, or employees of the corporate sales departments of leading brands and retailers.
- Receive monthly e-newsletters with special offers and useful information on effective practices.
- Consider certification in the Enterprise Engagement Alliance Engagement Solutions sales certification. Learn new selling skills necessary to profit from the sales of any type of professional solutions in engagement, including rewards, recognition, gifting, and many other engagement solutions that help organizations enhance performance.
If you work for a organization that uses incentive, recognition, loyalty, travel and other types of engagement programs, you may wish to consider joining the Enterprise Engagement Alliance Academy to gain additional knowledge and exposure for solution providers.
The Brand Media Coalition’s Brand Club is designed to help promote the power of brands to educate organizational management on the value proposition of the IRR marketplace and to create a valuable industry benefit to help attract more talent to the field.
You and All Your Employees Are Invited to Join for Free Membership in the BMC Brand Club
The objectives of the Brand Media Coalition and the Brand Club are to address the fact that almost no one outside of the trade has ever heard of the IRR industry. As a result, most rewards are sold through retail, and it’s harder to recruit talent to work in the field.
How else can you explain the fact that the latest Incentive Federation statistics suggest the IRR industry is over $176 billion, and yet all of the companies in the industry combined do not appear to total more than $10 billion.
The Brand Club is designed to let people experience the power of brands and the experience of buying them through the industry, so that the next time their organization is considering any type of engagement program using rewards, they know to call and IRR industry expert.
Click to Join Today for a Free BMC Brand Club Charter Membership and enjoy the rewards of being connected to the IRR field.
Click here for the Brand Media PDF