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Brand Media Guide

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Brand Media Coalition


Founded: 1934

Primary Products and Services

Digital cameras, lens, accessories; film; instant and single-use cameras and instant film; binoculars and sports optics; skin care. For a very large company, Fujifilm has retained a culture of innovation that has seen it through good times and bad.

Company Story

Fujifilm was founded in 1934 to create the first film company in Japan. In Japan, it enjoyed the same long run of film industry domination as Kodak did in the U.S. Consistent with its tradition of innovation, Fujifilm, anticipated the digital revolution well before its U.S. counterpart and did everything it could to profit from its leadership in film, while diversifying its businesses way beyond film and photography into multiple industrial applications, including even skin products.

Unlike other great brands, Fujifilm started big, but with a culture and focus on innovation that has guided it through huge market changes. Not only did it diversify out of film long before the need was evident to others, it has continually found ways to find growth in photography, such as with its Instax line of instant cameras.

The company proudly shares its commitment to the Samurai tradition to continually challenge one’s self, be open to new perspectives, and to collaborate with others who can benefit from its technologies. Two of the company’s primary values are Innovation and Sustainability. The company proudly cites its ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 45001 environmental certifications, and it has published a Sustainability Report since at least 2000. The company proudly boasts of a 2030 sustainability plan to address issues related to the environment, health, daily life, and work style, as well as the issues of supply chain management and corporate governance. The company’s philosophy, it says, “is based on the recognition that our mission…is to significantly contribute to the realization of a society in which all people across the world can lead lives that are abundant in spiritual as well as material wealth and with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.”

Brand Personality

Think Fujifilm, think Green, sustainability, innovation, quality, fun, enrichment, and humility. This brand stands for innovation, quality, and humility. In fact, for such a big company with so many accomplishments, Fujifilm is low key. Despite an impressive record of innovation, commitment to sustainability, diversification, few people know of the company’s enormous accomplishments across so many spheres of business spanning the entire globe. Without fanfare, Fuji builds communities around its various products featuring stories of active users or opportunities to share information such as in its online Wonder Shop creative community or communities for its digital camera series in which enthusiasts can share , learn about anything, and even have their photography featured.

Buyer Persona

The Fujifilm customer is not about flash, but substance. People buy Fujifilm for the features, the value, and the innovation, not to make a statement. The Fujifilm brand is smart, practical, innovative, individualistic.


Given the nature of Fujifilm products, the demographics skew young or young at heart; active and engaged, with a strong young female demographic for its Instax line.

Endorsements and Sponsorships

FujiFilm has established a formal Corporate Social Responsibility strategy “in step with social changes to promote awareness in and implementation by every employee, addressing issues related to Green Policy, Social Contribution Policy, Guidelines for Biodiversity, Procurement Policy, Quality Policy, and Occupational Health and Safety Policy, and makes investments in all these domains. Individual product brands actively support their professional and enthusiast audiences through their online communities.

Customization and Personalization

Harco can provide pad-printing, as well as personalized packing slips, enclosures, or logoed boxes.

Product Lines

GFX digital and X series mirrorless digital and premium compact digitals, lens and accessories; Instax instant cameras and film; Astalix skin-care products.


Bruce Bolger
914-591-7600, ext. 230

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